Avocado-pea mash

This recipe is actually too simple to share, but it’s so good that you I just have to tell you about it.

I discovered it when I only had a quarter of an avocado left while wanting to make avocado toast. I needed to find something to fill up my mash so I decided to throw some peas in it. Since then, I never eat advocado toast without my peas in it!

The ingredients are:

  • A quarter of an avocado
  • A handfull of peas
  • A squeeze of limejuice
  • Some salt and pepper
  • Cumin seeds (you can also use ground cumin, but I prefer the seeds)
  • A pinch of chilipowder
  • A pinch of paprika powder

Mash all the ingredients together and you’re done.

I like to add this mash to ryebread with an egg on top or if I want to keep it lighter on some rice cakes. Try it and enjoy!



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